Wednesday, 11 March 2009

ALHAMDULILAAH....*dan sedikit praktik dengan bahasa KBBBATBIACL(TB)*

meen, asal lo semua tau aja, gw baruu aja ngelewatin masa yg cukup berat hem. gara2 tadi gw iseng2 nyobain ganti template custom dari, blog gw yang tercinta muah muah ini sempet rusak men anjrot panik gw. tapi untuuung aja udah sembuh, alhamdulillah....

UTS baru selese! dan belom apa-apa, udah libur lagi haha hari ini sama jumat besok. andaikan kamis ga remed matematika...udah libur nasional dah gw ckck.

hmm mau cerita apa ya gw? bingung nih, maklum udah lama bgt g ngepost.




*KBBBATBIACL(TB) subtitle : ON*
*petunjuk membaca : artikan kalimat2 berikut kata per kata, bukan 1 kalimat langsung. KBBBATBIACL(TB), memang hebat! -__-"*

oh meeen. confused so I want post what. oh I know. I upload picture-picture deh. this picture-picture when I go to Museum Fatahillah, time that show whaaaat gitu. show cosplay gitu deh. this the picture-picture:

this is time I picture with kamen rider so right? or no-rack? uwooohahahaha

this team cosplay original. I and marcha picture with them, eeeeh there's a boy lost join picture with we. yes surrender.... -__-

sorry me if I use language alay, because I contaminated with virus alay yesterday-yesterday. yesterday-yesterday that, I watch Kambing Jantan in Slipi Jaya. yes, Slipi Jaya. that Slipi Jaya. you know lah, slipi jaya full with alay-alay majalengka ngek. but I no hold for no watch in there, cheap sih~~ OH YES SLIPI JAYA SELL POPCORN CARAMEL KNOOOW no defeat with XXI or theater other, right?? cheap, again. come on watch together when when. oh yes, maybe picture-picture this will I upload to facebook. hmmm I want tell story what again, yes? confused deh I. over deh, this much just. later I tell story again. okaay? arrive post next!

*KBBBATBIACL(TB) subtitle : OFF*

PS. buat yang baru pertamakali baca blog gw...GW GAK SEGINI KAMPUNGNYA YA PAKE BAHASA INGGRIS, nanti gw dikira super alay lg dlm make bhs inggris huehehehe. buat yg belom tau apa itu KBBBATBIACL(TB), silahkan dicek di post2 sebelumnya yaa. adios! :D

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